Dear Friends of the Learning Resource Center,
It’s been awhile since I’ve written and my…how things have changed! I hope you are doing well and staying safe. I am fine, however, I went a little crazy with baking and cooking (and eating).
I’m writing to let you know that the learning specialists at the Learning Resource Center are still available to help you and your children. We have converted to all on-line sessions using Zoom, Facetime, and Google Hangouts. The children have adjusted well and are making good progress.
Remote learning can be challenging for many children. Those who lack executive functioning skills have trouble keeping the multitude of papers and assignments organized, and getting them completed on time. If your child has reading difficulties, they may not getting the 1:1 appropriate instruction they need. We are here for you parents as well. Please feel free to call my cellphone at 914-960-9057 for a free consultation if you are feeling frustrated or overwhelmed about keeping it all together.
When restrictions get lifted, I am hoping to resume in-office sessions when it is deemed safe to do so. I am looking into purchasing clear plexiglass shields for the tables to keep both the children and learning specialists protected while also providing a warm, comfortable, learning environment. We will continue the online sessions for those who prefer that medium.
We appreciate your business and hope to see you soon. Please keep us in mind as you chat with friends and family who might benefit from our services. We appreciate your referrals and shout-outs on social media. Your words are far more effective than any ad that we run.
Wishing good health to all,